Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What's all this talk about memories?!

Hello All!!

Clay's Park Resort is SO excited to be keeping in touch with all of our valued fans, even during the off season.  This blog is just one of many NEW ways that Clay's Park is keeping YOU up to date!!  Social media is such a valuable new tool, and we intend to take full advantage of it!  Here are some of the ways you can stay up to date all the time with your favorite summer home!

1.  Check this blog!  Yes, THIS blog!! We will be posting regularly about what's going on at Clay's Park, specials, pictures, lead up to events, contests, and so much more!  This is as "insider" as it gets!

2.  Are you signed up for our e-mail list?? We often send out e-blasts with our partner, Constant Contact, to offer deals, promotions, and important information.  Sign up on our webpage under the "Contact Us" tab.

3.  Follow us on: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Fourquare

4.  Visit our UPDATED website in 2012!!!  We have an awesome new theme that we are excited to share with you....

Ok, enough about that.... let me tell you the new theme in 2012!!  As a visitor of Clay's Park, you are probably aware that we have been around for a lonnnnggg time!  But do you know HOW LONG?!  We have been a family owned resort for over 60 years (63 years to be exact)!  The staff spends lots of time talking to customers at the park and at marketing and networking events.  Something we always hear is: "I was there 30 years ago."  or  "I remember visiting your park when I was a kid."  Well, we are SO THANKFUL that we helped form a memory.  In fact, we want Clay's Park to be your "memories" destination.  Thats why, in 2012, our NEW slogan is "More than just family fun... make memories for years to come."  Clay's Park is more than just a fun destination, we are what FOREVER FAMILY memories are made of!!  This theme will be evident in all of our marketing materials, or UPDATED website, and contests and promotions throughout the year.  We asked all of our facebook fans to post photos of their memories from Clay's Park.  The participation and photo submissions were amazing!  Voting is still taking place.  "Like" us on facebook to view the album and vote for your favorite memory photo!


Now what?!  Now it is YOUR turn to tell us your favorite memory from Clay's Park!  Do you have a photo that sums up your experience here, or maybe you have a first hand testimonial you would like to share!  We would love to see it or hear it!  Your comments and feedback are encouraged!  Do you have something you would like to see changed/added in 2012 or a topic that you would like to see discussed in this blog?  Now is your chance!  We are here and ready to listen!!

Check out some of the great photos that are contestants in our Facebook Memory Photo Contest!

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